Stop to single-use plastic!
The production and consumption of plastic keeps increasing at an exponential rhythm, along with fossil material consumption creating a disaster for biodiversity. Zero Waste France rallies to say STOP to single-use plastic.

Despite the citizen awareness on plastic pollution, the production and consumption of plastic keeps increasing at an exponential rhythm. On a very practical level it means that each year we produce more plastic than the year before. Worldwide plastic consumption doubled since the 2000s. according to a forecast in this sector, the production could quadruple by 2050!
This increase keeps pressurizing more the ecosystems, especially marine ones. Europe spills between 150 000 and 500 000 tonnes of plastic waste in the ocean each year. Production of plastic (made from oil, gas, schale and coal) also contributes to global warming. Producing and incinerating plastic is responsible for 400 million tonnes of CO2 emission per year worldwide.
Our campaign: stop to single-use plastic!
Zero Waste France has a multi-dimensional campaign to reduce the production and consumption of plastic on a national level. Our goals:
- Have or reinforce the prohibition of several single-use plastic products;
- Support alternatives: especially the bulk selling and reusable packaging deposit;
- Encourage local collectivities to ban single-use plastic on territories;
Have or reinforce the prohibition of several single-use plastic products
Plastic cups, plates and cutlery containing polystyrene for nomadic consumption, straws, stirrers, cotton buds… many plastic products with only one use that we find regularly outside in nature and for which reusable alternatives do exist! The prohibition of putting on the market these products can reduce on a very practical level the quantity of waste produced while allowing reusable alternatives to develop.
Thanks to the citizen involvement in 2018, in France or Europe, several bans are planned for 2020 or 2021:cotton-buds, plates, cutlery or straws. However some bans are limited (for example, empty plastic cups) or with waivers (some biodegrable plastic are sometimes allowed).
Zero Waste France advocates for:
- L’adoption d’un objectif national de baisse de la consommation de plastique ;
- Le renforcement de certaines interdictions adoptées dans la loi française (notamment les gobelets) ;
- L’interdiction de servir les repas sur place dans des emballages jetables pour les fast-food ;
We often organize mobilisation actions (letters to senators, events, petition) depending on current events. To stay informed, subscribe to the Zero Waste France newsletter.
Supporting alternatives: bulk selling and reusable packaging deposit
Zero Waste France is actively advocating to reintroduce packaging deposit (especially for glass bottles) allowing them to be reused and improve bulk selling. The association co-founded “Réseau consigne” a structure aiming to assist and support initiative developments on reusable packaging and contributed in 2016 to the creation of “Reseau vrac”, independent association gathering professional bulk sellers. The association is also carrying out advocacy activities to push forward the regulation in favor of these alternatives and awareness campaigns for the general public and retailers.
Zero Waste France advocates for:
- La réintroduction de systèmes de consigne pour réutilisation pour les emballages en verre ;
- L’adoption de quotas de réutilisation des emballages en France, applicables aux entreprises au delà d’un certain volume de vente ;
- La mise en place de mécanismes de soutiens financiers pour les dispositifs de réutilisation des emballages ;
SPREAD IN THE STICKER YOUR LOCAL RETAILERSEncourage local collectivities to ban single-use plastic
Zero Waste France applied to local collectivities to encourage them to take action to reduce the use of single-use plastic on a local level. The association supports actions of students’ parents and the association “Cantine sans plastique France” aiming to ban plastic trays in school cafeterias. They also wrote a guide suggesting 3 ways to take action for a local collectivity to reduce plastic.
Zero Waste France milite pour :
- la suppression des contenants plastiques dans la restauration collective ;
- l’adoption d’arrêtés municipaux interdisant certains produits plastiques jetables ;
- Des marchés publics « zéro plastique jetable » ;
Zero Waste France analyzed the several lever of action to local collectivities disposal to act against disposable plastic and suggests 3 types of political measures, already tested in France and abroad and ready to be adopted right away. This guide can be transmitted to local authorities and competent departments of local collectivities.
Discover the guideRelated news
Zero Waste France is an organization that was founded in 1997 and is mostly financed by donations and the subscriptions of citizens and organizations. Your subscription enables us to act and to guarantee Zero Waste France's independence!
A donation of 30€ only consists of 10,20€ after tax deduction.
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