MOOC Zero Waste
Zero Waste France in collaboration with L’Université des colibris created the very first free online training on zero waste. An interactive learning path to start, progress or deepen your knowledge in waste reduction.
A simple method to learn step by step
The Zero Waste MOOC is for people who wish to understand the challenges related to our waste production at individual or collective level, learn the principles of the zero waste approach, analyze their situation and get started in the practice of zero waste!
To reduce waste, there is no quick fix, but an approach, the 5Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert in the zero waste approach, this training will bring you key factors to understand and act, allowing you to further raise awareness around you, or even to propel the process to a collective scale.
This training is a hybrid experience, both online and face-to-face, through local meetings and challenges.
The training is made of 12 modules.

A complete and step-by-step program
All aspects relating to waste reduction and the fight against waste of our resources are addressed in this MOOC. 2 main parts are used to structure the educational progress:
1: How to apply the 5Rs to reduce your daily waste?
2: Go further via thematic modules to explore certain aspects of these issues (digital sobriety, food waste, be done with plastic, etc.)
Different types of tools are available to help participants: educational videos, practical sheets, challenges and exercises, reports, interviews, etc.
Committed players and leading trainers
Here is the list of the main speakers:
- Héloïse Bertrand, co-head of the recycling depot L’Alternative,
- Valentine Cancel, in charge of memberships and partnerships for Zero Waste France,
- Laura Châtel, Zero Waste France advocacy manager,
- Eugénie Delarivière, designer and project manager Emmaüs Alternative,
- Maxime Efoui-Hess, project manager at Shift Project,
- Marine Foulon, communications officer Zero Waste France, Julien, Home Organizer,
- Clara Hoyeau, agricultural engineer and master composter,
- Pauline Imbault, coordinator of the Maison du Zéro Déchet,
- Baptiste Monsaingeon, author of Homo Detritus,
- Jérémie Pichon, co-author of La Famille (presques) Zéro Déchet,
- Thibault Turchet, head of legal affairs Zero Waste France,
- Laetitia Vasseur, president of the association HOP Halte à l’Obsolescence Programmée
These zero waste experts have designed interactive exercises and sheets and will guide participants in the implementation of new practices in order to increase their skills in the zero waste approach.
Video example
MOOC Zéro Déchet – En finir avec le plastique ! from Mouvement Colibris on Vimeo.
Module 1: what if you lift the lid?
Discovery of the major challenges linked to our production and waste management. – Where does our trash go? – But by the way, what is a waste? – What do our trash bins contain? – The eco-friendly backpack of a coffee capsule.
Module 2: It’s overflowing, help!
– Shall we get started? – Presentation of Zero Waste France – Get familiar with the wiki – The Challenge of the module – The most common solutions… and report by Céline
Module 3: Refuse
– The power to say no! – Refuse: practical sheet – Stop advertising actions – What if you went bulk?
Module 4: Reduce
– On the way to decluttering – What to do with my unused objects? – Declutter at home – Reduce … at the source – The BISOU method – Ask yourself the right questions before buying – Economy of functionality
Module 5: Reuse
– Report: recycling depots – Scheduled obsolescence – From product choice to repair – How to repair? Individual and collective solutions – The deposit: how to get started – Report on Les Résilientes, a project of Emmaus Alternatives
Module 6: Recycle
– Why recycle is only happening now – Let’s recap by type of waste – Recycling as a last resort
Module 7: Giving Back to the Earth
There is a compost for everyone! – The principles of composting – The collective composting solution is less efficient – The different composting solutions: everyone has their own! – Why add brown matter to the compost?
Module 8: Review of the 5Rs
– What is left after applying the 5 Rs? – At home … and elsewhere? Be zero waste when you leave your home
Module 9: Stop food waste
Methods to avoid waste – Anti-waste cooking and shopping – Managing the fridge – Anti-waste apps – Inspiring examples
Module 10: Say goodbye to plastic!
– Not so fantastic plastic – Put an end to plastic – Why “bioplastics” will not solve plastic pollution – How far plastic affects our lives… – Plastic and health: a non-winning duo! – Equip yourself with sustainability – Five products that you can stop using today! – Test the homemade! – Take action in your bathroom
Module 11: Does high-tech have a future?
– Digital helping sustainability? – Impact and energy cost of our use of new technologies and the Internet – A second life for our digital products – Physical and digital decluttering – The Module challenge: Apply 5 eco-gestures! – Eco-gestures to adopt to pollute less on the Internet
Module 12: 6th R: the “Nothing New” challenge
– The Challenge with a capital C! – The points of the “Nothing New” challenge – Presentation of the site “Nothing New”
Conclusion: Zero Waste continues after the MOOC!
– Homo Detritus can reinvent itself – Let’s deepen the individual benefits of a Zero Waste practice – The last words of Laura Châtel – How to talk about your new way of life – Zero Waste after the MOOC
Zero Waste France is an organization that was founded in 1997 and is mostly financed by donations and the subscriptions of citizens and organizations. Your subscription enables us to act and to guarantee Zero Waste France's independence!
A donation of 30€ only consists of 10,20€ after tax deduction.
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