Zero Waste Sport
A sensitization campaign launched by Zero Waste France to pass on the good practices of the zero waste philosophy during sporting events.
Zero Waste France does not spare itself
Having accompanied event organizers to work towards a waste reduction since 2016, Zero Waste France goes out of its way and officially launches the first season of Zero Waste Sport; a sensitization campaign which is dedicated to the sports event sector, from the general public to the organizers. Two target audiences, two guidance programmes… But one and only goal!
1/ A team of athletes committed to work for the general public
To inspire the players and the general public, Zero Waste Sport launches the very first team of athletes committed to achieve zero waste: “The Relay Runners”. These members, who come from the general public and the network of Zero Waste France’s local groups, take part in sporting events all around France and share their good practices, their advice… but also, sometimes, their anger as they face the extent of waste in sports events.
–> Their first season can be followed as of now on the dedicated Facebook and Instagram pages!
If you, too, want to become a Relay Runner
Register here2/ A practical guide in 12 actions dedicated to the organizers
For the organizers, whether they are professionals or amateurs, Zero Waste Sport offers a brand new practical guide in 12 actions: « my zero waste sporting event », in order to give them the keys of a zero waste sporting event. For instance, it is possible to avoid a huge quantity of waste caused by food supplies and catering for participants, to redesign the communication strategy of the event, to start reflecting on the gifts and rewards that are distributed or to organize a logistically adapted sorting system.
This guide is completed by a self-evaluation grid, so that the organizers can evaluate their progression in the zero waste process, occasion after occasion. Each organizer can then imagine many other actions to take the zero waste project to the next level!
The practical guide & the self-evaluation grid are conceived and created by Zero Waste France and Zin partnership with the MAIF. This guide was first conceived for events organized by the French Athletics Federation and is destined to be distributed on a larger scale, among all the other sports federation. Zero Waste France would like to thank the MAIF and the FFA for their collaboration, and the organization Zero Waste Paris for its creativity and advice.

Useful websites
> Ministry of sports and WWF:
- Eco-responsible charter & self-evaluation grid establishing 15 key commitments to increase your eco-responsibility
- Training modules for those volunteering at a sporting event, to sensitize them to the stakes of sustainable development
> Ademe: Guide to create an eco-responsible communication
> ADERE: Auto Diagnostic Environnemental pour les Responsables d’Evenements
Why this Zero Waste Sport campaign?
40 million players, 16 million members of a sports federation and 2,5 million sporting events organized each year. The numbers of the French sporting community are impressive… a 5000 participants event generates up to 2,5 tons of waste, uses on average 1 000 kWh of energy and 500 kilos of paper! Each sporting event thus causes a significant pressure on the environment and our natural resources.
Sport to raise awareness among 40 million French people
The Zero Waste Sport campaign is a collective sporting adventure to pass on the good practices of the zero waste philosophy during sporting events. Since near 40 million people practice a sport in France, Zero Waste France wants to sensitize the largest audience as possible, while carrying on a work of accompanying the events sector, which still generates too much waste, most of it being avoidable.
When passion rhymes with zero waste commitment
This practice of sports, which often stems from passion, is a privileged opportunity to discover new approaches such as zero waste, while seeking well-being, conviviality and self-improvement. More precisely, sporting events are the right moment to move into action, since they gather a great number of sports stakeholders and are for some people true steps which have been prepared for months… What better then to use the anticipation and motivation of these stakeholders, since they are two key elements of the zero waste process!
Zero Waste France is an organization that was founded in 1997 and is mostly financed by donations and the subscriptions of citizens and organizations. Your subscription enables us to act and to guarantee Zero Waste France's independence!
A donation of 30€ only consists of 10,20€ after tax deduction.
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